WALKING ART MAPS invites you to discover Porto by finding its many artworks as you walk along a few proposed paths. Some of these works are easily recognizable as they are monumental landmarks, others are found on exterior walls of public and private buildings or inside churches, others you will recurrently spot, in any part of the city, during your walks. As it often happens with art in public places, these works can be either overlooked, or seen as urban features different in nature from works of art in a gallery or museum. But in fact, they are works of art, architecture or design and all by alumni and teachers of the Porto Art School, founded, in 1836, as the Porto Academy of Fine Arts and now the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP). These are some of the artists, architects and designers who have shaped the city in many different ways often working together in multidisciplinary teams.
The exhibition is organized along six suggested walking paths in Porto (identified with the name of the neighborhood and a color) that you can easily reach on foot as you step out of FBAUP, or use the metro or bus lines. It shows works in the collection that can be visually linked to pieces installed in accessible sites in each path. Some of the works in the exhibition are studies for specific pieces installed in buildings, parks or streets; others show individual artistic characteristics that can be recognized in other pieces by the same artists, located in public sites; others yet are archived or published documents that show projects developed for the city.
In the exhibition space, use the QRcodes, placed next to each work, for access to information about what you can see on display as well as indications of where another work by that same artist is located in the city. When out on the streets of Porto, you can use the link www.walkingartmapsfba.up.ptto help you navigate each path and access information about the artworks.
Participate in the project
You are invited to share your discoveries with everyone using the hashtag: #asbelasarteseacidade
Museu e Gabinete de Exposições, FBAUP
Project Coordination and Curator
Lúcia Almeida Matos
Deputy Coordinator and Production
Luís Pinto Nunes
Production Support
Isabel Gonçalves
Master students of Estudos de Arte —
Estudos Museológicos e Curadoriais, FBAUP
Lúcia Almeida Matos
Sónia Moura
Research Assistance
Luís Pinto Nunes
Carla Carvalho
Conservation and Restoration
Ana Freitas — Documentation and Information Management -
UPDigital, Universidade do Porto
Carla Felizardo, Cristina Basto e Joana Guerreiro —
Centro de Conservação e Restauro, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto
Joana Teixeira and the 1st year Master students of Conservação e Restauro (2021-22),
Escola das Artes, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto
Carla Sousa
Ana Leite
Communication design
Nuno Maio
Design and development of the online platform
Pedro Sá Couto
Rita Graça
João Lima
Technical support
Carlos Carvalho
Jorge Garcês
Partnership and sponsor
Project integrated in the 35 years of Erasmus,
Reitoria U. Porto
To all those who, within the scope of this project,
donated works to the FBAUP Collection.